Privacy and Confidentiality
What is personal health information?
Throughout our sessions together, I will be collecting personal health information. Personal health information includes:
• Your physical or mental health or health history of another individual;
• Information about the provision of health care to an individual;
• Information related to payment for services; and
• Non-health information that is included in a client’s file, such as contact information (e.g., address, telephone number).
I collect, use and disclose personal health information only as is reasonably necessary to provide services to you. I collect and use information about your health history, including your family history, physical condition and function and social situation so that I can refer you to the appropriate professional, assess your mental health needs, develop recommendations for treatment, and provide treatment. I also collect and use personal health information for other related purposes, such as contacting you, scheduling appointments and processing payment for services.
Collection, use, and disclosure
In almost all circumstances personal health information is collected, used and/or disclosed only with the informed express consent of clients or substitution decision-makers. Only in rare cases do I collect, use or disclose personal information without your express consent, which could include the following:
If you are in danger of seriously hurting yourself.
If there is a danger that you will hurt someone else.
Child protection: This applies to any child who is, or appears to be, under the age of 16 years. It also applies to children already under a child protection order who are 16 and 17 years old.
If we have reasonable grounds to suspect a child is in need of protection, in other words, has been, is or is in danger of physical, sexual, emotional or mental abuse or neglect, we will have to inform the appropriate authorities.
If a known sexual perpetrator is in close contact with a child, we are required to report this individual to the appropriate authorities.
If a case goes to court, your records may be court ordered.
If a health care provider in Ontario has sexually abused you, it will be reported to their regulatory college.
To allow the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO) to review psychological files during an audit as part of their Quality Assurance program.
Protection of Personal Health Information
My practice at this time is purely virtual (e.g. over the computer, not in person) and all information is kept electronically. My computer is encrypted and password-protected. I currently use Owl Practice Management Software to create and store client records, schedule appointments, obtain and record client consent, and for providing virtual care. All information in Owl is stored on servers that are located in Toronto, Ontario.
Retention and Destruction
I am required to retain your information for a period of 10 years (or 10 years after a child turns 18) so that I can answer any questions you might have about the services provided, as well as to meet professional regulatory obligations.
Personal health information in electronic is destroyed through permanent deletion which is in accordance with recognized industry standards.
Access to Your Information
You have a general right to access the personal health information that I have about you, as well as to request that I correct any errors in that information. If you require access to your personal health information, or have any questions or concerns about my privacy practices, please contact me.
Your Concerns with any part of your care
I would ask that you first discuss any concerns you have with me. However, if I cannot satisfy your concerns, you are entitled to complain to my regulatory body:
The College of Psychologists of Ontario
110 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 500
Toronto, ON M4R 1A3
Tel.: (800) 489-8388
Fax.: (416) 961-2635